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Saving Scottish Wildcats
About Us
After some research in 2022, we were unable to find any concerted effort in the states to help raise funds for the direct efforts taking place in Scotland to save this magnificent cat. Thus in 2023 we formed Saving Scottish Wildcats as a registered 501c3 nonprofit in the United States to raise both awareness and funds for the Saving Wildcats project led by Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS). By attending various fundraising events throughout the year we are able to both educate and bring awareness to the need to help protect Scotland's only remaining exotic felid(cat).
We are also proud to have an employee of the RZSS on our Board of Directors as well, thus ensuring our ability to work closely with the RZSS led Saving Wildcats project.
Remarkably, we are able to donate at least 100% of every publicly donated dollar to the RZSS for use directly by the Saving Wildcats project in Scotland. Thus we are able to benefit both donors in the states, by receiving the tax break for a charitable donation, and the project itself in Scotland by receiving funds from an entirely new revenue source. We pride ourselves on the fact that ALL of our donations are sent in full directly into Scotland to help the project's efforts there.
Funding in wildlife conservation is always in short supply and high demand unfortunately, and as such, we work tirelessly to both help supplement the project's current costs as much as we are able, while also exploring ideas to continue the growth of funding sources going forward.
There are many ways to contribute to the progress being made in Scotland. Please visit our "Ways to Help" page for several including one of our personal favorites; sponsoring a cat. You can also learn more on our "Videos" page and help spread awareness, or write to us below if you have other ideas.

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